Protecting the Future of Active and Retired Federal Employees

Protecting the Future for Active and Retired Federal Employees
Protecting the Future of Active and Retired Federal Employees
Treasurer's Corner
CLICK HERE for the quarterly Treasurer Report Summary from Dec 2024.
CLICK HERE for the Fillable PDF Expense Report (updated January 2025)
CLICK HERE to see the annual federation budget, approved at the 2024 Federation Conference (pg 2)
GREAT Missouri Turnout at FEDcon24

Color of the Alzheimer’s Association
The fight against Alzheimer’s isn’t a red or blue issue; it’s both. More than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s, the most expensive disease in the nation. Barring the development of medical breakthroughs to prevent, stop or slow Alzheimer’s disease, these numbers will rapidly increase.
The Alzheimer’s Association is leading the fight to make Alzheimer’s a national priority. Learn how you can get involved and move us toward our vision of a world without Alzheimer’s disease®.
About the Alzheimer’s Association
The Alzheimer's Association is the leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer's care, support and research. Our mission is to eliminate Alzheimer's disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health.
The Association is the leading voice for Alzheimer's disease advocacy, fighting for critical research and care initiatives at the state and federal level.
Patricia Barrett
MO Federation President
Welcome to the Missouri Federation NARFE ( National Active & Retired Federal Employees Association) website. If this is your first visit, please come back often. This site is updated regularly and has links to many valuable resources, such as OPM (Office of Personnel Management) and the NARFE National website. The website offers Missouri Federation and Chapter information. The Missouri Federation has a current membership of 2,419 members with 21 active chapters. Included in the Federation membership are 1,337 National NARFE members residing in Missouri. If you are a NARFE member and looking for a local chapter to join, you can find chapter contact information here. If you currently aren't a NARFE member yet and would like to join, there is a hotlink to join, or you can find a local chapter near you, and just drop in and meet with your fellow Federal employees and join there. NARFE is the only organization strictly for all Federal employees, both active and retired. NARFE's mission, which fights for you everyday, is to protect the rights and earned benefits of all Federal employees. NARFE's sole purpose is to protect you, the Federal employee, so won't you join to have your voice heard on all matters involving Federal employees as there is strength in numbers.
I look forward to serving as your Federation President for the next two years. I invite you to contact me with your thoughts, ideas, and with any concerns you may have.
New and Former Elected Officers - 2024

Why I Should Join or Renew My NARFE Membership
NARFE is the only association soley dedicated to safeguarding and improving the earned rights and benefits of all working and retired federal employees.
As a member you get:
NARFE Magazine - Monthly coverage keeps you on top of changes to rules and regulations that affect your pay, benefits, retirement and opportunities to advance your career.
Legislative Alerts - With federal benefits and jobs in the crosshairs of congressional budget cutters, count on NARFE to sort out the truth from the rhetoric.
Advocacy - Protecting your benefits is NARFE's core business. A team of government professionals in Washington tracks Congressional actions and agency proposals that affect your federal benefits.
PLUS - NARFE offers scholarships and disaster relief grants, as well as travel, bank card and more.